The Children's Trust Fund (CTF) develops and provides brochures, pamphlets, posters and other parenting materials that support its public education campaigns, such as the prevention of Shaken Baby Syndrome and the dangers of leaving children unattended in vehicles. These materials are available by request to individuals, childcare agencies, hospitals, home visitation programs, health agencies, schools and other family support/serving organizations to increase awareness and help prevent child abuse and neglect.
The Children's Trust Fund prides itself in the development of literature that is not only informational, but also attractive and easily understood. It is our intent that our materials serve as useful tools in your efforts to support children and their families and heighten the importance of child abuse prevention.
Materials sent to Missouri organizations and individuals are free of charge, however, CTF encourages recipients to consider making a donation to help defray costs. Any donation is appreciated, but certainly not required. There is a small fee per item for out-of-state request over one. [Click here to go to literature order form]
Positive Parenting Tips
The Children's Trust Fund (CTF) and the Parents As Teachers National Center (PATNC) created a series of positive parenting tips to help everyone better understand and care for infants through pre-school aged children. The tips are available in electronic format only and focus on:
Positive Parenting
Developing a Strong Relationship with Your Child
Understanding Discipline & Guidance
Issues in Development
Observing & Knowing Your Child
Development - Language, Motor, Intellectual, Social-Emotional
The series is colorfully designed, and PATNC professionals have written and presented the topics by age groups -- 0-6 months, 6-12 months, 12-24 months, 24-36 months, young pre-schooler and older pre-schooler. Parents, caregivers, teachers, parent educators, and anyone involved with children are encouraged to download the tips for their own use or to share with others.
Your License to Care
Have you seen the neat plates with the green handprints? Those are the CTF special license plates, and this brochure provides information on how to obtain one. The required $25 annual contribution can be designated to your local community-based program sponsored by your county license plate partner. The plate is very attractive and serves as a moving billboard sporting our green hand prints logo and the "Prevent Child Abuse" message in primary colors. Learn more about how to make a donation.
Download: License Plate Program Brochure (PDF)
Download: License to Care - Motorcycles Flyer (PDF)
"Not Even for Minute" Poster
Do you run a daycare, a convenient store or do you work in a health clinic or other child serving related organization? Request your poster today to remind parents and caregivers not to leave children unattended in a vehicle. (Limit 5 posters per request please)
Download: Not Even for a Minute Poster (PDF)
Download: Not Even for a Minute Brochure (PDF)
Download: Not Even for a Minute Brochure (Spanish)
Download: Not Even for a Minute Brochure (Vietnamese)
"Not Even for Minute" Rack Card
This rack card provides critical information for parents and child caregivers of newborns and toddlers. The card outlines the dangers of leaving children alone in or around vehicles. This card is an ideal addition for use during wellness and health fairs, parenting classes and home visitation programs.
Shaken Baby Syndrome Brochure
This pamphlet provides critical information for the parents of newborns and child caregivers. The pamphlet outlines causes of SBS, tips to reduce stress, and the importance for all of us who care for babies to have a plan when babies cry. This pamphlet is an ideal addition for use during wellness and baby fairs, parenting classes and home visitation programs.
Download: Shaken Baby Syndrome Brochure (PDF)
Download: Shaken Baby Syndrome Brochure (Spanish)
Download: Educator's Guide to Prevention of Shaken Baby Syndrome (PDF)
Shaken Baby Syndrome Poster
Help the Children's Trust Fund spread the important message that Shaken Baby Syndrome must be prevented. To heighten awareness, place this poster in hospitals, childcare centers, health clinics and other family serving agencies. (Limit 5 posters per request please)
Download SBS Poster (PDF)
Never Shake: Preventing Shaken Baby Syndrome (Video)
This videotape was designed to inform parents and family members of the dangers of Shaken Baby Syndrome. Make sure that everyone who cares for your child knows the many serious and sometimes fatal injuries that can be caused when a child is violently shaken. (Limit one copy per request please)
Never Shake: Preventing Shaken Baby Syndrome (Video - Spanish)
This videotape was designed to inform parents and family members of the dangers of Shaken Baby Syndrome. Make sure that everyone who cares for your child knows the many serious and sometimes fatal injuries that can be caused when a child is violently shaken. (Limit one copy per request please)
Never Shake. Preventing Shaken Baby Syndrome (Video - For Caregivers)
CTF uses this video to create awareness of Shaken Baby Syndrome in the childcare community. It walks caregivers through a series of steps on how to prevent SBS. (Limit one copy per request please)
Safe Crib - Safe Sleep Brochure
This brochure outlines crib safety and the importance of placing your baby on his or her back to sleep. Following these six steps, you will decrease you child's chances for injury, overheating, suffocation, strangulation and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.
Safe Crib - Safe Sleep Poster
Help the Children's Trust Fund spread the important message about crib safety and the importance of placing your baby on his or her back to sleep. To heighten awareness, place this poster in hospitals, childcare centers, health clinics and other family serving agencies. (Limit 5 posters per request please)
Download: Safe Crib - Safe Sleep Brochure (PDF)
Download: Safe Crib Manual (PDF)
Download: Safe Sleep Poster (PDF)
Download: Safe Crib - Safe Sleep Brochure (Vietnamese)
Download: Safe Crib - Safe Sleep Brochure (Spanish)
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